From:                              Lawrence E. Dudek

Sent:                               Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:28 PM

To:                                   NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team

Subject:                          Notes from NSTX CSU Project Meeting 11/10/2010

Attachments:                 20101110 NSTX UPGRADE Calculations-TitusNov09.xls; ATT581972.htm


Notes from 11/10 Meeting:


Reviewed the Analysis spreadsheet

Cog engineers should continue to review and update the spreadsheet with need dates.  Orlando to followup and work with cogs to record the changes


Line 17 - Passive plates: Need to inspect the fasteners and welds during the outage to determine if upgrades are warranted.  The VV is only open for approx. 3 weeks in January (5th to 25th).  An activity has been added to the rollover schedule for P. Titus to have access the first week to inspect the mounts.



Design Update NSTX MPTS and NB Port Analysis (Willard)

The Maxwell model with EM loads for the global model is now running.  Still need to add the plasma current and export the geometry to the design engineer's high fidelity model.  


Update PF1, PF2 DLF, Aluminum OTF Block Stress, Bellows Calc Interface Analysis (Titus) (see Attached)
A more refined analysis of the umbrella to the Outer TF leg analysis has been run and it indicates that reinforcement at the center two aluminum block fasteners will be required.   Changeout of the fasteners to an Inconel alloy may also be required since the bolts near the center of the blocks are showing high stress from bending.