From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 4:26 PM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting notes from 5/12/2010

Attachments: PDR Agenda rev 1a.xls; ATT24509601.htm; Titus_Expected vs. Actual Results.xls; ATT24509602.htm; Chits.xls; ATT24509603.htm
Notes from 5/12 Meeting:
WAF Preparation
Job managers should be finishing up WAFs for the Engineering reviews scheduled this week.  

Peer Review Chits and PDR Agenda[Dudek ]
The peer review chits are attached please check them over and respond where you are actioned.  We should have at least a plan in place for the June 23-24th PDR.  Changes and updates should be forwarded to R. Strykowsky.

A draft of the PDR agenda is attached. The format is similar to that followed for the CDR.

Passive Plate Analysis [Titus (see VGs]
Analysis group has been able to run Sri's script and procedure.  There are about 3 iterations on the PP stress which indicate the plates are okay but the fasteners and brackets may need reinforcement.  The tiles have not been analyzed yet but a conservative assumption for the loading would be a factor of 4 increase from the existing loading.  An error in the Opera output  has been discovered which will likely reduce the forces and stresses.  Plan is to have a scope of the reinforcement by the PDR or enter it as a risk to the final design.  The tile forces and stresses need to be determined soon to account for the design and fabrication time of the tiles

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at:

Outstanding Action Items (last update 5/12/2010)

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references 
STATUS: CLOSED: Revision posted. 

Action: The idea of a Design Load Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Action: Mark Smith to pull this together for the Structures– Need this BEFORE the PDR

Action:  We have a set of Calculations signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR.  These calcs need to be updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Titus
