From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 3:17 PM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting Notes from 3/17/10
Notes from 3/17 Meeting:

Risk Registry / Recomendation log [Dudek (see VGsRisks for PDR DUDEK.ppt  ) ]
Reviewed some of the outstanding risks that need to be closed out by the PDR.  The risk owners are Titus, Kozub. Risk Registry Risk Registry r11.xls  

Reviewed some of the outstanding Chits and Lehman recommendations that need to be addressed by the PDR.  The owners are Chrzanowski, Dudek, Mangra, and Neumeyer.  Lehman & CDR Chit Recommedation Log  NSTX-U Project Recommendation Review Log 20100224.xls

Revisions to the Risk Registry and the Recommendations log should be forwarded to Ron Strykowsky.

ENG-006 [Dudek]
A revision to ENG-006 now requires procurements with a SOW or specification to be accompanied by a form which identifies where deliverables are to go and in what format they will be accepted.  Anyone who places a procurement with an SOW should review this procedure and ensure compliance. 

Passive Plate Dynamic Analysis  [SRI (see VGs sri_mar17.ppt)]
Presented the update to the passive plate dynamic analysis with the poloidal current strap removed.  The stresses have been reduced but are still four times the allowables at 1.2 GPa.  Time to sharpen the pencil and run a real PF worst case radial field to determine if high stresses are present in likely scenarios.  SRI to work with Hatcher to fine tune.

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons

Outstanding Action Items (last update 3/17/2010)

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references 
STATUS: Draft back with Irv Zatz and P. Titus for revision. (Status 3/17)

Action: The idea of a Design Load Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Action: Mark Smith to pull this together for the Structures– Need this BEFORE the PDR

Action:  We have a set of Calculations signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR.  These calcs need to be updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Titus

Action: Neumeyer to comment on VDE plasma disruption used to analyze the stresses in the PP brackets and fasteners.  Is it a realistic scenario disruption?  STATUS: 3/17-Poloidal straps were removed from model, stresses still high need to fine tune input fields to determine if the stresses are realistic.

