From:                              Lawrence E. Dudek

Sent:                               Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:46 PM

To:                                   NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team

Subject:                          NSTX CSU Project Meeting  notes from 6/30/2010


Notes from 6/30 Meeting:

Some dates to remember:

                        • SRD revisions (Draft) DUE NOW

                        • Update Chits and recommendation Log Fri 7/2

                        •  Update WAF's Wed 7/7

                        • Schedule Review 7/8-7/13

                        • Post all Materials (Cost,schedule,WAF's) Fri 7/30

                        • Job manager WAF preparations wo 8/2

                        • CD-2 Lehman Cost and Schedule Review August 10-11

                        • CD-2 September



Near Term Game Plans (Strykowsky) see VGs

Lehman team will be review our estimates line by line, it's essential that they are as accurate as possible before the baselining which will take place after the Lehman review.  Lehman team members will be asking each cog engineer to see the details supporting the estimates.  The Chit log has been distributed for each cognizant engineer to respond to open chits.  Respond please by 7/2.  WAF's also need to be updated to reflect any changes required by the chit responses or new information.  Schedule review meeting is planned for next week for cogs to go over the overall schedule in detail to make sure the durations and linking (especially to tasks in other workscope) is correct.


CS Tiles [Tresemer (see VGs) ]

Kelsey reviewed the present plan for the tile fastening scheme and what analysis is required to vette the most recent models.  Joe Boales is working on the analysis of the tile models provided by Kelsey.  Progress is being made on the NDA's from the vendors who may be interested in bidding on the tile materials to allow transmission of material specs to PPPL for use in analysis work.  If vendors sign the redlined NDA's we may have technical information in a few weeks. 


DCPS Status [Woolley (see VGs) ]

Bob reviewed the latest work on the DCPS.  He has generated plots of the PF coil loads during and after a "post-protection" shot.  In almost all cases the curves were showing loads lowering after the abort except in some of the cases of the PF 4/5 net separating loads cases.   In these cases the loads during the shot were approx. 4 x 10^5 Newtons (with Plasma) and would change direction with a magnitude of approx. 10 x 10^5 Newtons post protection.  Mangra noted that the design operating  loads for this case from Neumeyers spreadsheet were approximately 3x the  4x 10^5 N.  It is believed the difference is the absence of the plasma in the calculations done in Neumeyer's spreadsheet.  


ACTION: Woolley to rerun the data again without plasma current pre-event to verify.


Flex Joint Brazing Tests Status [Willard (see VGs) ]

Willard presented the latest brazing data for the copper to be used in the flex joint.  The brazer ran oven cycles, at 700C, on the CDA 185 material to test the loss of temper.  Yield strength dropped from approx. 62 ksi to 39 ksi which is unacceptable.  Next iteration will be with a braze temp cycle simulating a solder joint which will reach 300C.  There are some solders available which have a strength of 40ksi which should be acceptable.  A fallback option may be to wire EDM the flex from solid bar.




Outstanding Action Items (last update 7/1/2010)


Plot Disruption scenarios (from 6/3 Plasma Disruption meeting:

For each scenario there should be at least 3 currents vs time:
- time dependence of vertically centered plasma current
- time dependence of vertically displaced plasma current
- time dependence of halo current
Action: Ron Hatcher to plot these up for discussion


Update SRD is around for approval.  The idea of a Design Load Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Action: Mark Smith to pull this together for the Structures– Need this BEFORE the PDR


Action:  We have a set of Calculations signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR.  These calcs need to be updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Titus