From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 11:00 AM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting and Minutes from 1/27/10

Notes from 1/27 Meeting:

Reviewed the requirements and revision to the PF1A, 1B, and 1C coils.   The coils meet the requirements except the ESW < 5.5 s on PF1a and PF1c and the slew rate is slightly less than 35kA/mS on PF1c.  The revised design parameters will be posted on the design point website. See VGs Neumeyer_NSTX_CSU_Inner_PF.ppt

Presented the latest analysis on the Umbrella structure leg to rib connection, TF OOP Support to the vacuum vessel and the loads seen by the concrete anchors.  The leg to rib connection needs reinforcement, the rib to vessel connection may also need to be reinforced once the stresses are known from the larger rib model which is being built. 

Presented the latest runs on the passive plate analysis. The results indicate stresses in the panels are acceptable however, some changes may need to be made in the fasteners with stresses up in the 600 MPa range.  See VGs SRI_jan27.ppt

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons

Outstanding Action Items (last update 1/20/2010)
Action: Neumeyer to update GRD to reflect latest revision. Due 2/5/10

Action: WBS Managers provide input for modification of FMEAs by 1/31 to C. Neumeyer.

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references Action: Titus to have it updated for approval and release

Action:  Inner PF Coils: CN needs to check if max volts / turn doesn't generate too much voltage on coils.  If 2 kv or more may need addressing.
STATUS ( 1/27/10) Closed, parameters to be posted on design point website.
