from 2/17 Meeting:
Presented the analysis on the PF 4/5 bracket loads to calculate the
influence coefficients for the DCPS. The coefficients provide the weld
stress per pound of load for the DCPS stress calculations.
Also provided another look at the umbrella structure with a small flange at
the PS limits the stresses are 190 MPa (27ksi) so it's likely that the umbrella
legs won't need much (if any) reinforcement.
Presented the most recent design for the TF Bundle end connection.
The conductor ends will have milled slots to engage a splined hub.
This answers a chit submitted by Gary Voss at the CDR. While on this
subject CN questioned whether the asymetrice cooling passage presented any
stress issues. Pete Titus offered Sri to look at it (Action item:
Showed the latest concept of the tensioning tool developed by Hydratight
Sweeney. It now looks like it will fit between the flex connections. This
tool could probably use the existing hydraulic pump after an overhaul depending
on the number of cycles on the pump, which is designed for 10,000 cycles.
Presented the preliminary NB Armor Electromagnetic and a Transient
Dynamic Structural analysis based on the best OPERA information available.
The stresses from these loads are minimal and well within the material capacity
of 625 Inconel.
Still need requirements for
the structure loading which led to a heated debate. Neumeyer subsequently
posted the plan for capturing the requirements for the upgrade. Several
action items grew out of the memo and response by Simmons:
Proposed action items (for
discussion at next meeting)
1) CSU GRD Rev 0 has been approved
and is now a controlled doc. The GRD needs to provide the reference to the
Design Point link. CN to process the GRD change and Simmons will process the
change. ACTION: Charlie
2) The idea of a Design Load
Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Who will be responsible for
pulling this together? – Need this BEFORE the PDR
3) We have a set of Calculations
signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR. These calcs need to be
updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Pete
Viewgraphs will be posted by B.