From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:26 PM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting Notes from 4/14/10
Notes from 4/14 Meeting:
Update on the TF/PF Structure [Mangra (see VGs]
The design of the outer TF leg supports and the Outer PF supports was presented at the project meeting. The latest refinements include reduced parts weight while increasing strength and improved assembly features.

PF 4/5 Lead area stress, Existing PF4/5 Support Weld Algorithm, Lower Umb. Lid [Titus (see VGs]
Titus presented the status of the PF4/5 lead block stress analysis. 
The strategy for the implementation of the DCPS is being looked at to minimize the required effort while providing the most useful protection for the hardware.  The advantages and disadvantages of running the algorithms in real time is being reviewed and compared to running algorithms ahead of time.

Diagnostics Impacted by Upgrade [Boales (see VGs]
A review of the diagnostics on the NSTX is being conducted to determine what impact the new centerstack and higher power operations may have. Of concern so far are the shutters and activation of G10 materials

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at:

Outstanding Action Items (last update 4/15/2010)

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references 
STATUS: Revision being prepared for signatures. (Status 3/15)

Action: The idea of a Design Load Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Action: Mark Smith to pull this together for the Structures– Need this BEFORE the PDR

Action:  We have a set of Calculations signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR.  These calcs need to be updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Titus

