From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 9:02 AM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting Notes from 4/7/10
Notes from 4/7 Meeting:

Peer Review [Dudek]
]The agenda for the April 29th peer review was distributed.  

Update on the TF/PF Structure [Mangra (see VGs) ]
Detailing of the umbrella leg reinforcement, umbrella lid, and pedestal design was presented.   A new preliminary analysis indicates that the PF 5 coil leads will need some new supports at the lead box area due to the higher forces with the upgrade fields.  Menard would prefer that the PF5U&L coils  be supported such that they are on the same vertical axis,  Mangra is suggesting supports 180°.  Titus still need to provide analysis of the lead box areas on these coil to determine what support is required.

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at:

Outstanding Action Items (last update 3/31/2010)

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references 
STATUS: Draft back with Irv Zatz and P. Titus for revision. (Status 3/17)

Action: The idea of a Design Load Requirements (Criteria) Document is a good one. Action: Mark Smith to pull this together for the Structures– Need this BEFORE the PDR

Action:  We have a set of Calculations signed off, but not all were checked for the CDR.  These calcs need to be updated and checked (by PDR?). ACTION: Titus

Action: Neumeyer to comment on VDE plasma disruption used to analyze the stresses in the PP brackets and fasteners.  Is it a realistic scenario disruption?  STATUS: 3/17-Poloidal straps were removed from model, stresses still high need to fine tune input fields to determine if the stresses are realistic.

