From:����������������������������� Timothy N. Stevenson

Sent:������������������������������ Thursday, September 30, 2010 4:13 PM

To:���������������������������������� Alfred von Halle

Cc:���������������������������������� Mike Williams; Erik D. Perry; Mark B. Cropper; John W. Edwards; Thomas E. Egebo; Masayuki Ono; Ronald L. Strykowsky; Mike Viola; Martin Denault; Craig D. Priniski; S. Ramakrishnan; Guy Rossi; Neway Atnafu; Charles A. Gentile; Tiana Dodson; Kristopher R. Gilton; John Winkelman; John Mitchell; Brian Clark; Jerome Siegel; Lawrence E. Dudek; Kelsey Tresemer; Bob Simmons; Orlando Guzman; Victor Garzotto; Carl M. Tilson; George Ascione; Keith R. Rule; Maria L. Pueyo; Patricia M. Bruno; Robert A. Hitchner; Richard (Pete) Szaro

Subject:������������������������� NBI Upgrade Weekly Status 10/1/10




NBI Upgrade:  Preparation for the upcoming EIR Cost and Schedule validation review next week continues. Adjustments to the resource loaded schedule to accurately reflect workflow leading up to FDR and then beyond are in progress. Design work continues on VV modifications, Duct, Armor, and TVPS. Duct assembly drawings are largely complete. Armor support models are nearing completion allowing detailed assembly and part drawings to be generated. Project management attended the Integrated Project Team meeting with DOE this week.


NBI Decon: Removal of external platforms, walkways, and peripheral manifolds has been completed. Low level decon on these items continues out on the 102' platform in the Test Cell so these items can be moved out and stored for reuse on BL2 in the NTC.  After dispositioning these items, the Decon job will be done. Some area maintenance has been performed this week to maintain the Test Cell. Preparations have begun to start BL refurbishment on the BL components.








Timothy N. Stevenson, ����� NBI Project Manager���������������������������������������������������������


Head of Experimental Heating Systems & Neutral Beam Operations


LSB 316  C Site��������������������������������������������������

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Princeton University�����������

P.O. Box 451

Princeton, NJ 08543


Office���� (609) 243-2657�����������������������������������

FAX����������������������� (609) 243-3248

email: �������������������������������������������


Skypager # : 2047351



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