From: Timothy N. Stevenson
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 9:13 AM
To: Alfred von Halle
Cc: Mike Williams; Erik D. Perry; Mark B. Cropper; John W. Edwards; Thomas E. Egebo; Masayuki Ono; Ronald L. Strykowsky; Michael E. Viola; Martin Denault; Craig D. Priniski; Subrahmanya Ramakrishnan; Guy Rossi; Charles A. Gentile; Kristopher R. Gilton; John Winkelman; John Mitchell; Brian Clark; Jerome Siegel; Lawrence E. Dudek; Kelsey Tresemer; Bob Simmons; Orlando Guzman; Victor Garzotto; Carl M. Tilson; George Ascione; Keith R. Rule; Maria L. Pueyo; Patricia M. Bruno; Robert A. Hitchner; Richard (Pete) Szaro
Subject: NBI Upgrade Weekly Status 11/13/09

NBI Upgrade:  A meeting was held for project management to prepare for the OFES Review in December. Preparations continue on the NBI overview presentation for that review. The WAF review for completeness and consistency continues by job engineers. Responses have been formulated and reported to project management on all NBI peer review and conceptual design review chits. 

NBI Decon:  Decon continues on Lid, Magnet, Shield, 90 inch flange, and smaller pieces. Decon has resumed on the calorimeter. The Calorimeter Vees were repositioned and shields removed for greater access. Steady progress and reduction of contamination has been noted with some cleaned areas having dropped the targeted two orders magnitude reduction in contamination levels. Use of occasional deionized water rinses continues. More items have been surveyed out below 100kdpm and have been moved out of the high contamination area. On the beam box, the front duct support structures and pivot point connection was disconnected from the box and wipedowns started so these items so that they can eventually be discarded and shipped. These larger items required the use of the crane. 



Timothy N. Stevenson

Head of Experimental Heating Systems & Neutral Beam Operations

LSB 316  C Site
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton University
P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543

Office (609) 243-2657
FAX (609) 243-3248

Skypager # : 2047351

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