From: Lawrence E. Dudek [] Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 5:14 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Cc: Tiana Dodson; Bob Simmons Subject: Notes from Weekly Meeting 9/14 Notes from 9/14/2011 Meeting: Review of chits needed for Lehman review (Strykowsky) Chit 201008-02 Instrumentation on flex connections, structure, etc It was decided that instrumentation at this time will not be installed, however provision for resistance sensors will be provided by cutting a slot for the sensors on the TF Bundle flex connectors Action: Chrzanowski to revise drawing to include a slot on the side of the flex connectors for future instrumentation. Neway to provide slot dimensions. Chit 201106-06 & 201106-1 Action: Titus to provide response to B. Jedic to close out these chits. Chit 201106-09 "Consider reducing the number of full power shots". Completed 9/16 by Rev 4 of the GRD. Chit 201106-11 Run tests at slower rep rate - These tests were conducted by CTD, still waiting for the written report to closeout the chit. Action: Chrzanowski to contact CTD to expedite. 4 Month Schedule Review (Zhai) (see vgs) OH Conductor procurement hinges on completion of the specification. Ali performed analysis of the conductor to determine what is required for the conductor specification. Action: Chrzanowski to update spec (if required) and send around for signature. Action: Labik to pre-order materials for the construction of the MPTS vacuum interface. MPTS Vacuum Vessel Interface (Atnafu) (see vgs) Neway presented the latest iteration of the MPTS vacuum interface. The model looks much better now, the reinforcement plates have been greatly reduced and the stresses look good except for a few small hot spots on internal gusseting and around bay L. The stresses are around 30 ksi but are in compression. Action: Neway to look at these areas to determine the cause of the hotspots, investigate impact of rounding corners and perform a buckling analysis on the mods. VV Rib Analysis and 3-Turn Fault Analysis(Titus) (see vgs) 1. The rib analysis needs some further work to more realistically represent the attachment method. Meeting scheduled for Tuesday next week to discuss the rib issues in more detail. 2. The 3-turn Fault analysis was performed and the fault scenarios investigated were all survivable. OH Conductor analysis to determine Min yield strength (Zolfigari) (see vgs) Ali performed analysis to determine the minimum yield strength of the copper for Jim to order the copper. The yield strength required is 28 ksi.