From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 9:15 AM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Subject: Notes from 5/11/2011 NSTX CSU Meeting Attachments: Calc_Status_050511.xlsx; ATT11246717.htm Notes from 5/11/2011 Meeting: Review of Calc Spreadsheet Design Point Spreadsheet added to list (#10-03-00). Still needs to be checked, Action: C. Neumeyer to provide checked calc. Ron Hatcher emailed out copies of the Force Influence Coefficients this week to complete that item (#13-03-0). Heat Balance Calc is in final review (Brooks incorporating comments) VV Thickness for MPTS (Labik) (see VGs) From the MPTS PDR last week there was a chit concerning the asymmetry caused by the bay K VV mods. The asymmetry may affect the RWM and PF fields enough to impact machine performance. Labik has asked Stefan to look into the affects and Mark Smith to run a simplified analysis using a frame instead of plates for the reinforcement. Results should be available in the next week or two. PP Analysis Check Update (Zhai) (see VGs) Yuhu is running a 3D Opera analysis to benchmark the Titus analysis shown last week. The first funs don't include the detailed connection to the VV through the brackets but instead a short SS section between plates. The results so far are around 10% different than the Titus results. Will be putting in the details of the VV connections and rerunning the analysis. Lower Lid and Pedestal (Titus) (see VGs) The lower lid stress is okay but could be improved if the jog in the radial arms could be removed. The lower lid stiffness is low compared to the original solid lid. The pedestal to the floor connection needs to be securely fastened with anchors to ensure that the torque can be transmitted.