From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 1:41 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Subject: Notes from the 3/2 Project Meeting Attachments: Open 20110227 NSTX UPGRADE Calculations-RTS_11112010.xls; ATT472985.htm; Calc_Status_02282011PM-RTS.xls; ATT472987.htm Notes from 3/2/2011 Meeting: Calc Spreadsheet Updated spreadsheet attached. Need to address the configuration control of the design point spreadsheet. It will require review and approval before signoff and posting on the NSTX upgrade website. Several team members (Menard, Smith, Hatcher, Titus, et al) have performed calculations to confirm Neumeyer's numbers in the spreadsheet. They are actioned to provide a list of what portions they claim to have verified to Dudek. Dudek to work with Neumeyer to have the spreadsheet review and approvals documented and posted. Aquapour Demo (Chrzanowski) (see AVI Files posted) A test of the Aquapour mold, fill and washout procedure was conducted. An 18" long dummy coil section was fabricated. An 0.1" thick Aquapour spacer was poured, cured and then washed out using a small wand in the 0.1" gap. The purpose of the test was to verify the ability to washout the compound in a circular long narrow gap. The test demonstrated that the material is readily and quickly removed with a small amount of water. Influence Coefficients, VV Clevis Analysis, Shear Bend Test Samples (Titus) (see VGs) Validation analysis of the VV clevis design has been completed and concluded the stresses in the part and weld are low. The shear bend test calculations to size the test sample and calculate the load required for the cyclic testing were shown. Outer TF Leg modeling (Zhang) (see VGs) Han displayed the progress on the Outer TF Leg modeling begin generated to validate the Final Design for the Outer TF Leg Supports. PF1A Stress analysis (Len Myatt) Len is now on board and getting refamiliarized with the PF1A coil design changes since the PDR. Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at: