From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:14 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Cc: Tiana Dodson; Bob Simmons Subject: Notes from Weekly Meeting 8/17 Notes from 8/17/2011 Meeting: Calculation Spreadsheet (Titus) Only a few calcs remaining to be completed. 1. NB Armor (Tresemer) 2. Aluminum Umbrella Blocks (Titus) 3. Analysis of PF 1 Coils, leads and Supports (Myatt) Passive Plate Disruption Loads (Zhai) (see vgs) Yuhu reviewed the summary from the writeup he's prepared on his check of the Passive plates. The passive plates are acceptable at current thickness of 1/2". His initial look at the bolts inidcates stresses in the corner bolts are higher than the rest. Action: Zhai to analyze and provide bolt loads / stresses to Atnafu for design/replacement of fasteners if required. CTD Tension Fatigue Data (Titus) Pete reviewed the recent batch of test data from CTD on the Tension Fatigue strength of the CTD-425 / S2 Glass with Copper Substrate and CTD-450 primer. The one cycle failure stress was approx 28MPa (averaged) and approximately half that at 10k cycles. This compares with a calculated tension of 50 to 90 MPa which were expected to debond locally in small regions. With the lower than expected strength larger regions will debond. Discussion of the problem provided several suggestions that might solve the problem including: adding another cooling passage, controlling the temperature of the inlet water temperature to reduce temperature gradient, running the water through the OTF leg (50C) first to preheat the water before it enters the bundle and modulating the water flow rate to reduce the cooling time. Action: Titus to have Han and Ali analyze the 2 tube option and reduced water temperature gradient to see if the stress can be reduced enough to reduce debonding areas.