From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 2:37 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Subject: Notes from the 4/13/2011 Project Meeting Notes from 4/13/2011 Meeting: Design Point Spreadsheet Checking (Neumeyer) (See Spreadsheet) The design point spreadsheet with checking assignments is posted. The assignments are shown in the added GREEN columns in the summary sheets. In many cases you will need to refer to the detailed spreadsheets to look at the equations used to produce the summary sheets. Responsible individuals should review their assignments and return their spreadsheet to Neumeyer with their approval noted in the checker comments column. If there are any questions or changes required contact C. Neumeyer. Update on the structural support mods (Smith) (see VGs) M. Smith provided an update on the support structures final design. Input has been received from the construction and weld engineers regarding the field work required to implement the design. The changes recommended will make the design both stronger and easier to install. At the bottom of the machine the pedestal will need to be replaced and the baseplate to distribute loads enlarged. This will impact some of the utilities entering the machine beneath the umbrella structure. Action: M. Smith to provide details of the space requirements, M. Denault and Raki to provide a plan for the relocation of the water lines and machine ground bus. There are also interferences between the OTF leg clamps and the RF transmission lines. We may be able to simply eliminate 1 or 2 reinforcement clamps in this area to eliminate the interference. Action: Han Zhang to run the OTF leg analysis without the reinforcement to verify. OTF Support Reinforcements (Khodak) (see VGs) ANSYS models of the SS reinforcements and the insulation interfaces have been generated and meshed from the design models provided by Mark.