From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 4:10 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Subject: Notes from NSTX CSU Project Meeting 10/27/2010 Notes from 10/27 Meeting: Update on NSTX CSU Analysis (Titus) The Calculation log has been updated with COGs (customers) and Preparers. Another column for WBS has been added and populated with the appropriate WBS. During the upcoming week the COGS are being asked to add the date the calculation is required to meet the baslined design schedule. ACTION: Cog engineers (Smith, Tresemer, Chrzanowski, Priniski, Labik, Hatcher, Ellis, Titus) to provide the dates for completion. Orlando to followup with engineers before next meeting. Review of the Conductor Test Plan (Kozub) Tom presented the progress on the initial inspection so far for the flex joint. Contact surface impressions made with Fuji paper indicate a region (~20%) that is not contacting the mating surface. Flatness of the joint face was an issue, Jim C. is investigating the use of a copper pad on each flex contact face that could be machined flat after soldering to improve the joint contact area. Analysis Update (Titus) (see VG for details) Pete provided an update to the analysis work going on with the VV and Coil supports. A rerun of the OOP forces on the whole leg using a fixed end (instead of pinned) indicates 80% of the OTF torque is transmitted to the umbrella. Reinforcement of the umbrella arches is required, analysis using 6" wide by 1" thick flange looks acceptable for bending allowable but will require higher yield strength to meet the fatigue criteria. Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at: