From: Lawrence E. Dudek Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 4:51 PM To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team Subject: Notes from NSTX CSU Project Meeting 11/17/2010 Attachments: 20101115 NSTX UPGRADE Calculations-RTS_11112010.xls; ATT324714.htm Notes from 11/17 Meeting: Reviewed the Analysis spreadsheet Cog engineers should continue to review and update the spreadsheet with need dates. Orlando to followup and work with cogs to record the changes ACTION ITEMS: Tresemer to verify with A. Brooks that 12/20 date is acceptable for the "Final Tile Stress Analysis (ATJ Tiles)" (Item 14) Woolley to update % complete "DCPS TF Inner Leg Torsional Shear Stress ", "OOP PF/TF Torques on TF" (Items 34 & 36) Jim C to provide need dates for Analysis of CSU Poloidal Field Coils and Poloidal Magnetic Quantites for the Feb 2010 Provisional Design (Items 81 & 82) Update Lid/Cover/Flex & Aluminum Block Bolting Stress And Stresses with Proposed Reinforcements (Titus) (see Attached) A more refined analysis of the umbrella to the Outer TF leg analysis has been run with added reinforcement in the ID. Stresses look good but there may be some interferences with existing hardward inside the umpbrella that need to be addressed. ACTION: M. Smith to provide models of the latest hardware to TItus for incorporation into the models. Lid stresses look good however the keys at the OD would bind and "pop" under load. Need to address the binding of the keys to prevent the popping under load, possibilities include linear bearing or link. Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons at: