from 6/2 Meeting:
Some dates to
• SRD revisions
(Draft) by June 16
• Dry Runs for
PDR Jun 8
• PDR June
• CD-2 Lehman
Cost and Schedule Review August 10-11
• CD-2
PDR Prep (Dudek and
Strykowsky) see VGs
The charge questions for
the reviewers to answer are being provided as an attachment. Presenters
should use the questions as guidance in preparing their talks. In addition
to presenting the technical aspect of their work, presenters should address
their chits and risk registry items (both attached) in their presentations. The
status and/or the plan for closeout of these items should be covered during the
SRD drafts should be sent
to L Dudek with copy to R Strykowsky and P Hampton.