From:����������������������������� Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent:������������������������������ Thursday, July 08, 2010 5:34 PM
To:���������������������������������� NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject:������������������������� NSTX CSU Project Meeting�
notes from 7/8/2010
Attachments:���������������� Disruption_scenario_currents_v2.xlsx; ATT954415.htm
Notes from 6/30
dates to remember:
����������� ����������� � Update Chits
and recommendation Log Fri 7/2
����������������������� � Update
WAF's Wed 7/7
����������������������� � Schedule
Review 7/8-7/13
����������������������� � Post all Materials
(Cost,schedule,WAF's) Fri 7/30
����������������������� � Job manager WAF
preparations wo 8/2
����������������������� � CD-2 Lehman Cost and
Schedule Review August 10-11
����������������������� � CD-2 September
Scenarios (Menard)
reviewed the some of the discussions which have been going on via email after a
meeting on this topic was held about 4 weeks ago. Using the attached
spreadsheet Jon described the thought process that went into the scenario
selection and prioritization. The spreadsheet show 30 scenarios, the
highest priority (1) are the scenarios in the GRD, the second priority
scenarios look at the quench time from .001 to .004 with varying Halo fraction
and priority 3 without a Halo fraction. The analysis group will run the
GRD cases first and include the drift, quench and Halo current in the runs.