From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:33 PM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting and Minutes from 1/6/10
Notes from 12/16 Meeting:

Presented latest results on the OH Coil Optimization.  Jon Menard likes the 32kA OH Design, it give him approx. 2 Wb at 24kA but also a healthy flux increase if it is powered to 32 kA in the future.  This coil selection would not require any PS changes from baseline at this time.  Water flow analysis has not been perform however it should be no worse than the existing 24kA design.  Still need to evaluate  the loop voltage available for plasma initiation.  The ground wallAction: Neumeyer to provide parameters to Ali who will update the cooling water analysis for the 24kA design.  See VG's

Presented the latest on the efforts to finalize flex joint design.  Tom's analysis agrees with Hatcher and Woolley analysis, that is without plasma, Bz = .271 T, Br = .103 T; and with plasma,  Bz = .208 T, and Br = .088 T.
The conceptual design copper thickness for the design is difficult to procure without purchasing twice the quantity required for the upgrade.  Reducing the thickness slightly to 0.072" (still higher than the original accepted thickness of 0.062") makes the material easier to find and reduces cost.  Plan on procuring the reduced thickness to fabricate a prototype joint for inspection / test.  See VG's

Provided a look at what an iron core in the bundle might provide in added flux. See VG's.

Provided a look at the latest analysis on the passive plate structures.  The model now displays the eddy currents, but more work is needed to extract loads.  Work continues.  See VG's

Provided a look at the progress on the analysis of the PF4,5 supports analysis and the work going on with the loads going into the concrete anchors in the VV and Pedestal supports.  Still more work needs to be done on both.  See VG's.

Viewgraphs will be posted by B. Simmons

Outstanding Action Items (last update 1/6/2010)
Action: Ali to rerun OH Coil thermal with throttled flows to see if stresses can be reduced.
Status(1/6/2010): Expect to have results by next meeting.

Action: Dudek to meet with Mangra and Titus to work out need dates and priority list of items.
STATUS (1/6/2010): Titus presented progress on this work at 1/6 meeting.  Work continues.

Action: Dudek to obtain decision from Project management on whether to pursue 40kA OH Coil design option.
STATUS Closed 1/6/2010: Decision is to pursue the 32kA design that CN has identified above.  Water system upgrade as estimated will be maintained in the design, and PS will remain at 24kA design level.

Action: Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references Action: Titus to have it updated for approval and release

Action:  Inner PF Coils: CN needs to check if max volts / turn doesn't generate too much voltage on coils.  If 2 kv or more may need addressing.
