From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:48 PM
To: NSTX Center Stack Upgrade Team
Subject: NSTX CSU Project Meeting and Minutes from 12/16/09
Congratulations to everyone on the NSTX CSU team!   You have successfully passed the first Lehman Cost and Schedule review with flying colors!

No Project Meeting on 12/23/09 due to the Lab Party.  Everyone have a Happy and Restful Holiday. See you next year!

Notes from 12/16 Meeting:

Will be working with Mangra and Viola tomorrow to quantify the cost savings of the "Mini-Cage" design. 

Could designate one bay as an access bay to get into the umbrella to open the flex joints.

Supplied the modified scenarios to Tom. Fields were around .3 T poloidal field on scenario #82. Willard is working on ANSYS models to provide the new results for comparison to Hatcher and Woolley results.

Provided latest version of the PF 4 & 5 supports to Titus for analysis.  The "Mini-Cage" has 6 supports in PF4&5 with columns between PF5U&L.  The 6 locations are at alternate locations to the existing 6 supports to save the cost of removing the existing supports during upgrade.  Analysis needs to address these questions-- Is the concept acceptable?  If there are any of the 96 scenarios that create a problem what are they?  Latest design uses 6 supports, but at alternate locations.

1. OH Coil savings- Water system mods?  Assumes 40 ka coil with existing PS.
2. WOrking on the revision to the FMEA.  About to send out email to WBS mgrs to update the FMEA to reflect the upgrade.
3. Structural design criteria has a table with likelihood of failures that is in the NSTX (orig.) GRD.  Structural design criteria needs work to be released such as references Action: Titus to have it updated for approval and release
4. The new CHI bus insulation scheme needs to be reviewed.  Can the microtherm be counted on for electrical insulation or can we count on the ground wall insulation?
5. Inner PF Coils: CN needs to check if max volts / turn doesn't generate too much voltage on coils.  If 2 kv or more may need addressing.

Outstanding Action Items (last update 12/16)
Action: Ali to rerun OH Coil thermal with throttled flows to see if stresses can be reduced.
Status(12/16): Expect to have results by next meeting.

Action: Dudek to meet with Mangra and Titus to work out need dates and priority list of items.
STATUS (12/9): List of prioritized calculations generated.  First three high priority tasks due before Christmas break

Action: Dudek to obtain decision from Project management on whether to pursue 40kA OH Coil design option.
STATUS 12/16: Ono has asked that ACTION Neumeyer check to see if this design could achieve GRD requirements at 24kA so the PS upgrade could be deferred.  Neumeyer working.

