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National Spherical Torus Experiment Center Stack Upgrade Overview



The purpose of the NSTX Center Stack Upgrade (NSTX_CSU) project is to expand the NSTX operational space and thereby the physics basis for the next-step ST facilities. The plasma aspect ratio (ratio of major radius R0 to minor radius a) of the upgrade is increased to 1.5 from the original value of 1.26, which increases the cross sectional area of the center stack by a factor of 3 and makes possible higher levels of performance and pulse duration. The new center stack will provide a toroidal magnetic field at the major radius R0 of 1 Tesla (T) compared to 0.6T in the original NSTX device, and will enable operation at plasma current Ip up to 2 Mega-Amp (MA) compared to the 1MA rating of the original device. 



Revised: 2/23/2009

R. Simmons