National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) Center Stack & NBI Upgrade Project

NSTX NSTXU Web Pages  

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Navigation Trail  

Engineering > NSTXU Project => SOWs & Specs
WBS Spec/SOW Subject
1  - Torus Systems    
11- Plasma Facing Components    
12 - Vacuum Vessel/Supports    
13 - Magnets    
131 - Poloidal Field Coils    
132 - Toroidal Field Coils    

Inner TF Conductor Specification

D-NSTX-Spec-13-128 Rev.01

This specification defines the alloy, form, quantity and integrity of the inner TF coil extruded copper conductors for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) Upgrades.

Inner TF Conductor Statement of Work

D-NSTX-SOW-13-133 Rev.00

This statement of Work (SOW) is for the fabrication of fifty-five (55) Inner TF conductor assemblies (Drawing E-DC1412) for the National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade (NSTXU). 

133 - Center Stack    
2 - Plasma Heating & Current Drive    
3 - Auxiliary Systems    
4 - Plasma Diagnostics    
5 - Power Systems    
6 - Central I&C Systems    
7 - Project Management  & Physics    

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